After work yesterday I was super busy (again) with a meeting with the 'Horsey' ones art teacher to discuss costumes for the upcoming musical in which the 'horsey' one is part of the dolphin chorus. I have bought home 27 capes??!! to sew and there are far more waiting should I find some spare time! I then scored "HS's basketball game before going to the 'Parent & Friends' meeting at school - don't think I will bother going to another meeting for a very long time. It was a very frustrating experience!! Roll on the weekend.....
Thursday, July 31, 2008
Cupcake and Tea Swap
After work yesterday I was super busy (again) with a meeting with the 'Horsey' ones art teacher to discuss costumes for the upcoming musical in which the 'horsey' one is part of the dolphin chorus. I have bought home 27 capes??!! to sew and there are far more waiting should I find some spare time! I then scored "HS's basketball game before going to the 'Parent & Friends' meeting at school - don't think I will bother going to another meeting for a very long time. It was a very frustrating experience!! Roll on the weekend.....
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
Does anyone need some eggs???
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
I'm back......
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
Some stitching and a deadline.......
Okay so the list stands at the moment :
1/ The cupcake and tea swap - the deadline is looming so this is a priority but I worry I have bitten off more than I can chew. I so wanted to make the absolute perfect thing instead of sticking to the K.I.S.S. theory that it took weeks before I even decided on something. Anyway that will be all I work on this week and will post photos very soon.....
2/ Noah's Ark B.O.M from Lynette Anderson, I have tried so hard to keep up to date with this - unlike most things!! but I am now 2 blocks behind, the kangaroos and the elephants. The plan is to finish them before she releases the next pair. They are so lovely and quick that really it's just a matter of setting aside a night each. By the way do you think it's rude to stitch at a school info meeting??? Yes I guess so!
3/ A redwork christmas stitching - that I was given by a church craft group I attended in Canberra when I left. It is almost 4 years now! I love picking this up and it really has so little work left in it that I would like to get it finished. Soon!
4/ Simple pleasures quilt from the cyber stitching day - I have 1 block finished! Pathetic, 11 to go!
5/ The 'Golf' quilt - there is a huge story behind this which I will post when you see the finished article. I would just like to get it done...
6/ The 'socks', it will be summer before I finish them and to all the other family members who have requested some it may be a very very long wait!
Okay so these are the 6 most urgent finishes as of today, I have a lot of other started but not yet finished projects and I have lots and lots of projects I have the fabric and patterns for but haven't yet started and I have millions of things I'd like to try one day so I better get moving!!
oops - I forgot the angel story quilt (sorry Stina) , it will have to be number 7, there we go one for every day of the week ( Ruth's theory may work yet!).
I will report any progress tomorrow........but maybe just maybe you shouldn't hold your breath!
Saturday, July 19, 2008
A terrible week......A happy ending!
This is Jessie-Jo, our beautiful dog who has been such a special part of our family for the last 12 years. She has had a hard life ( quite evident by the grey!! ), while we were living in Broome she was hit by a car and needed extensive repair to her hip, then developed pancreatitis which she almost didn't recover from. Last Monday morning we woke up to find her unable to get off her bed and crying in pain. Off to the vet with heavy hearts but sure she'd perhaps hurt her hip, with a bit of rest and medication she'd be okay. Amy - our most wonderful vet, couldn't find anything specific, agreed with us she was not herself, gave her a shot and sent her home with more painkillers hoping she'd perhaps slept the wrong way or pulled a muscle??!! Tuesday morning she was no better, she looked sick, but we went off to work and school leaving her comfortably resting. Just as I was about to leave work I get a frantic call from the 'Horsey' one, she'd got home from school and Jess had collapsed and couldn't walk and 'HS' had to carry her off to see Amy again and this time she wondered whether she'd hurt her neck but she was definately staying in hospital. Phoned Wednesday morning to check on her to receive the most terrible news that she was no better at all and we needed to talk about making 'the' decision. Amy wanted to wait until friday to ensure the medication wouldn't work but that was the deadline. With lots of tears we knew we loved her too much to let her suffer in pain and knew what we would decide. I guess you're wondering 'the happy ending ' part ??? well on Thursday when we went visiting she had responded and was so much better and happy in herself which was even more important. She came home on Friday, our own little miracle - again (think she must be part cat with lots of lives!), still not completely well and on medication but happy and even if we have only bought some time we will treasure it and she will know how loved she is! I have felt guilty at times over the week that we can be so upset and devestated by the thought of losing an animal when such terrible tragedys and illness are happening to others which is so much worse but the truth is ,she is part of our family and gives us the most wonderful unconditional love and protection and puts all her trust in us.
We lost our older cat 'Martin' earlier this year (only a few weeks before I began blogging) and we have still not come to terms with it . He was a 5th birthday present for the 'Horsey' one so had been with us almost 9 years. We were in Broome when he joined our family and he moved with us from there to NSW and back to VIC. He ruled our house, he was the leader, the king, we were mere servants to rule him. He diced with danger daily, enjoying our driveway to watch the world going by and often exploring the neighborhood which was against the rules!! It was a hot saturday evening and it was one of these adventures that was his downfall, when crossing the road, a 'hoon' sped up and hit him He was killed instantly. We have a lot to be thankful for, we heard it happen and were there straight away so we could bury him and we knew what had happened, it would be awful for an animal to just go missing and not know. He is buried in the garden outside our kitchen window with a pot over him holding a flowering native to attract birds!!! It is his picture on this blog and has taken me this long to write about him. We still miss him daily.
That brings us to 'Fred', our little cat. He is now 3 1/2 (we got him when we returned to Victoria) but we still call him 'Kitty'! He is the exact same coloring as Martin was, they could pass as brothers which is quite bizarre when they came from opposite ends of Australia. He is timid and scared by anything and everything. He is cuddly and affectionate and displays few of the typical 'cat' behaviours. He ended up at the vet with Jess on Friday with an infected toe so sported a red bandage for a few days and is still on antibiotics.

Tuesday, July 15, 2008
What a glorious sight!
Sunday, July 13, 2008
My boy is home!
My boy is home so I am very happy! He had a great time but as you would expect is tired. Thought maybe he could start his school holidays now!!!! I don't think so. Showed his photos last night and was full of stories of things he had done. Didn't spend a lot of money - think when it is your own the shopping is not quite as appealing. Was quite upset he hadn't bought good enough presents but the best present I could have is having him home safe and sound. He caught a virus while away and his friends Mum took him to a clinic where he was given 5 different medicines!! As it is only a cold I have stopped him taking them but I will be interested to show them to Sam's Mum (the other boy who went) who is a GP to see just what he was given!
Collecting him from the airport was an experience in itself. As I didn't want to make the whole trip in one day , it is around 3 and 1/2 hours from home, I finished work at lunchtime on Thursday and the 'Horsey' one and I set off. We stopped in Ballarat on the way for some shopping. We needed to buy new riding boots and school shoes! Had a coffee with the 'Horsey' ones godmother before she heads overseas tomorrow then continued down the highway. It was cold, it was dark, it was so cold if it wasn't raining it would of been snowing, there was water sitting on the road. It was not a good trip! The car showed the temperature as starting at 6 degrees and dropping steadily to 1! The motel near the airport that we normally stay in didn't have any specials so 'SH' had booked us into a cheaper one - after all it was only to sleep! The motel room was cold and noisy and our dinner was very ordinary and breakfast the next morning even worse. I then came down with an upset stomach so things weren't good but I was excited 'HS' was coming home! We arrived at the airport in plenty of time, purchased the 'krispy kreme' donuts (another story in itself) and waited for the plane to arrive then waited for 'HS' to appear and waited and waited and waited........ All of a sudden we were the only people waiting and my stomach was sinking further and further. I cornered a customs man and he very kindly interuppted his coffee break to go and investigate. When he told me customs and luggage was clear and my boys hadn't been on the plane I felt sick. I phoned 'SH' and while he was at home trying to contact Hong Kong to see what had gone wrong there I reread the itinery and after another 10 minutes I read it correctly that I was a day early and they didn't arrive home until the 12th!! This is not like me at all, I may be unorganised and busy but I am always on time and almost anal about things like this. After I had cried and laughed in relief and frustration the Horsey one and I went and booked into the good motel and spent another night away from home. Noone else had checked the itinery as they assumed I would be right! The only thing that made me feel slightly better was that Sam's mum had thought they were getting home Friday too and had even baked a cake.
I did manage to do some stitching (thank goodness I had taken it!) and read a book so the time was not altogether wasted!
Wednesday, July 9, 2008
Another box!
The 'Horsey' one had a lovely birthday yesterday, enjoyed every minute! Think one of the highlights was her Nan coming for lunch and giving her another piece of her handiwork. This is another little box with embroidered 'chooks' on each side and then embellished with braid and feathers. Not the best photos - sorry. Even better there was a $ gift inside!! The 'horsey' one intends to use it as a money box!
Tuesday, July 8, 2008
14 today!
Sunday, July 6, 2008
Sovereign Hill
Saturday, July 5, 2008
Happy Birthday!
Happy 4th July!
Thursday, July 3, 2008
Stitching update!
Wednesday, July 2, 2008
Angels on the go!
Spent last Sunday at a horse show with my darling 'horsey one'. It was cold and windy and started to rain about 2pm. I know, its winter and I should expect winter weather and I know everyone wants rain and if I was tucked up at home with the heater on and a good book I would of been happy but I wasn't and the 5 layers of clothes only kept me warm for so long! Luckily I was able to prove that my coat was indeed waterproof. Anyway in dressage the horse stayed in the arena and she stayed on which was a bonus with how he warmed up and she didn't do the worst test of her section. Showjumping was great, a nice clear round. Good things are looking up! Cross Country was ugly, very ugly!!! Dudley started playing up before he even got to the first fence and continued the whole way around the course. The ditch was disasterous but they got through, but finally on the next jump they were eliminated when he refused this one too and they walked home, one poor little girl very upset and disappointed but most importantly both horse and rider safe and well. It was their first grade 3 competition together but there will be many more and they will improve in each one!
Monday I worked but SH, the Horsey one and I watched 'Alvin and the chipmunks' together in the evening. Wasn't the best movie I've ever seen but it was fun.
I had an unexpected day off yesterday and decided I should make the most of it! (looking at the house this morning maybe I should of cleaned first and played second!!). I started my Angel quilt! Hopefully Stina will be impressed!! I really didn't need another project on the go but I've owned the book for years and have only made little bits and bots from it so while I can join others I will see how much I can get done. I am making it entirely out of my stash - or that is the plan anyway. The 'horsey one' and I went out for lunch (her choice Maccas - yuk!) then to the movies with friends of hers to see Kung Fu panda. I could relate to Po in a lot of ways, unfortuantly I am often lazy and motivated by food!! We enjoyed it and had quite a few laughs. Came home and read the latest 'Homespun' magazine and did some more work on the angels so a good day.
Am trying a new system with my craft at the moment which I have stolen from another blogger. I am concentrating on just 7 projects and working on just 1 each day, setting myself a minimum of what I'd like to get done. Only started this week but have enjoyed sitting down and stitching in the evening opposed to running around and just getting a few more jobs done. I have had some 'me ' time. Not sure how long I'll stick at it but we'll see.
Have had some emails and a phone call from 'HS'. He is having a great time in Hong Kong and seeing a lot. Spending a lot of time exploring the markets especially the food sections!!! He is missing us though! which is lovely.