Well I made it through Speech Day yesterday with damp eyes and a little tissue dabbing and an ache in my heart. I am so proud of myself for not giving in and completely sobbing , think maybe the fact the 2 women sitting to my left were was enough to stop me! I don't like change and this one means life will never be quite the same, school brings a routine, a normality. My son does not share my feelings, he is (and has been for most if not all of the year, in fact he has never enjoyed school) ready to move out into the big wide world and start the next adventure in his life and after all the pomp and ceremony yesterday I think I am too. It provided me with the closure I needed and besides I still have the 'horsey one' at school for another 2 years. Heaven help me when she finishes!!! It was a lovely day and as I said full of 'pomp and ceremony' and tradition. I know some don't enjoy this but I love it. The Australian anthem, the school hymn , the prayers, the addresses, the prize giving and the various choir performances. Towards the end the whole school performed 'Dare to dream', what an amazing experience for us parents, it gave me goosebumps. As the year 12's stood before us as we all sang the hymn 'God be with you till we meet again' and then filed out to our applause I was so proud of these young men and women and just know that they will all make the most of the opportunities they have been given.

At the following afternoon tea I took the opportunity to take photos of HS and his friends but not having asked their permission to post them thought I should go with the family shot (few and far between!). The 'horsey one' has promised to photoshop it in photography this week as SH's vest seems to have taken on a life of it's own. I would prefer her to photoshop me thin but she won't be in it!!
Sorry this post won't be of interest to most of you but I need to document it for the future, such an important day in our family. Off to work at the boarding house today, lets hope the girls are well behaved and not demanding!!! Got magazines, gilmore girls, chocolate and knitting packed!!!