For Pony club camp this year we spent the weekend in Beachport using their pony club facilities. I have never spent any time in this area but will be rushing back, it is beautiful.
The pony club facilities are fantastic. This big hall has all old farm and horse equipment hung on their wall, the kids loved looking at it all. It was cold enough Saturday night to use the wood heater in the room which made it nice and cosy to sit around and chat. Only 5 families attended which was a shame that we didn't have more support but those that went had a great time.

The beaches were beautiful and the color of the sea is so hard to describe or capture. The girls all loved riding on the beach, a first for all of the horses. Weren't quite sure what to make of the waves at first but soon decided it was fun!!! This is the 'horsey' one on Joshy, a friend's pony. Unfortunately she didn't get to take Henry as Friday afternoon we were all packed and the friend that was floating him only got a few km down the road and he was scrambling in the float so badly that they had to stop and return home. He had cut two of his legs and was lathered in sweat he was so upset. He is okay now after a quiet weekend but he would not of managed to continue the journey. We think the reason this happened is because of what side of the float he was on, he had never floated on this side before and we will never try it again. Luckily her friend took another horse so she could still take part in the rides.

3 Brothers were 'made' to come on camp with their sisters but I think by the end of camp they had had the most fun!!! They did not stop, if they were not fishing or swimming they were sand boarding down the dunes! Another Mum and I lined up for a turn, their faces were a treat when they realised we actually meant it!!! So much fun, if I didn't have to keep walking to the top of the sand dune I would of kept going!!! My face plant was caught on film , I am hoping it never sees the light of day!

This is my 'bed in the car, my version of camping! I became very attached to it, it was lovely and warm and cosy. The bigger kids slept in the hall but the others slept in their floats or tents.It was very windy overnight and the tents almost collapsed and the floats shook and not much sleep was had. I slept like a baby!!! I am not lining up to do it again in the near future though!!

Another beach shot! As you can see there were a lot of storms and clouds around. We were very lucky with our weather , a few showers but mainly dry and even some sun!We all got a little wind burnt!

Not only did they ride on the beach but they rode on the dry salt lake and through the sand dunes.Not a great photo but it looked wonderful when they appeared through the dune. Wish you could see the smiles on their faces!

Just before heading home we had time for a swim at the little salt lake to test the theory that you couldn't sink in the salt water!!! The 'horsey' one and her friend forgot to close their mouths jumping in and are still complaining they can taste salt!!

It was a lovely weekend and we will definitely be back to explore more.......