I have some favorite shows on the television at the moment, some that I even manage to stay awake to watch and not fall asleep in the chair!!! Monday nights are a good one - Masterchef followed by the Australian Amazing Race.
I love Masterchef and even a few seasons in they are still changing the format just enough to keep my interest. Yes I already have favorites and ones that I wouldn't mind being eliminated but really I just love seeing what they are creating and how. Who else now has plans of creating a Bombe Alaska like they did a few weeks ago?? Who are some of your favorites? The 'horsey' one quite likes Hayden, I do as well as Kate and Kumar is a sweetie.
The Amazing Race is and always has been a favorite of SH and myself. When we heard they were making an Australian version the worry of course was would it be as good. We have been pleasantly surprised, the production is such that you really don't define it as different to the original. We actually sent in an application (yes something that is on my bucket list) and obviously we weren't chosen, think they lucked out , we would of provided a lot of entertainment especially with my map reading skills!!! I like to dislike Joey and Richard and like Mo and Mos and the 'Big W' girls. I was disappointed when they were eliminated last night and the way it happened, I would of liked to see them go down fighting and would of hoped that if we'd been there we'd kept going to the end of the task.
Can't believe I've just written a whole post about my Monday viewing, oh well it is keeping it real!!!
A post without a photo is boring so these are the roses from my garden on the table on Mothers Day.