This morning I sent SH and the 'horsey' one off to Pony Club determined to actually get some jobs done.
A priority on the list was organising myself for the annual SSCS that Chookyblue hosts. Time management is not my strong point but this year I am determined to be organised. I drew up a chart (hard to see in this photo because of the pretty colored pens I used!!). I have worked out how many weeks I have and what I want to get done each week to stay on task. Let's see how it goes!!!

This year I have signed up for the Fat Quarter Shop's Mystery BOM. I need some practice piecing and this is a great affordable BOM. It is in Strawberry Fields which is a fabric line I really like which makes it even nicer. This last week I received Block 4 which made 4/4 not even started. There are always other things needing my attention but today I decided the world would not end if I sewed for an hour!! I set the timer and off I went. I didn't get the first block finished, I am measuring things 3 times before cutting and taking my time but I am happy with what I have achieved so far! I will make another time for later this week, I had forgotten how good for the soul creating is!

I am on dinner duty tonight so off to try a new recipe, a chicken Paella!