Well another week has gone since I posted and I've well and truly been on the hurdy gurdy. I would love to just be able to catch up with myself a little!!! This past weekend was very busy as the local pony club that the 'horsey' one attends held our annual One Day Event. It is our main fundraiser for the year but so much work to host. Unfortunately we are a small club of only about 20 members and for whatever reasons only about 5 of these families were prepared and able to help! (seems to be a common problem that it is always the same people helping!!!). As SH is President of the club and I am Treasurer we were heavily involved. A full day working bee Saturday and then we were out there by 7am Sunday and not home until 8pm. SH ran the canteen along with my Mum who gave up her day to help while I was on duty in the Secretary's office all day. We only needed the ambulance once and the 'horsey' one came 4th so all in all not a bad day!
Today was another busy one as the 'Horsey' one headed off to China this afternoon on a compulsory school trip. It is part of their year 9 experience!!! They are away for almost 4 weeks and spend a few weeks at their sister school and do some touring. All in all a wonderful experience but I will miss her so much. She never stops talking so the house will be very quiet! Of course we only managed to finish packing an hour before she had to be at school to catch the bus but I am sure we haven't forgotten anything. She chose her favorite meal for dinner last night and then Mum and I took her out for lunch today and to buy those last minute things!!! I am looking forward to the first email from her to say she's arrived safely.