I've thought a lot about whether to share this story or not. It doesn't paint me as being particularly clever, in fact I feel rather stupid! but maybe just maybe it may stop it happening to someone else! This week hasn't been the best, we have been the victim of 'phishing'. I have been well aware that there are numerous email / internet scams out there and I am always so careful and lucky that our security software is so good. Unfortunately I was caught!!! I applied online for American visas for our upcoming trip (the new process since January this year is to apply online), however I used a google search to find the appropriate website. It had the right name, it stated it was the official website, it asked the right questions and charged for the privilege of applying for the visas. I had processed Mums, my own and the two kids before SH sat down to do his and first accessed the Australian government website 'Smart traveller' to find something else out and there written clear as day was a warning about bogus websites charging for American visas which are actually -FREE!!!! After a major and then minor panic and many tears our credit cards were cancelled and we have begun the process of applying for new passports which hopefully will arrive in plenty of time for our trip. This process has been made more difficult as the 'horsey ones' full birth certificate seems to have grown legs and vanished!!!! I am feeling better about it all now but it just proves what scoundrels are out there and how easily it can happen.
Back tomorrow with news of our day, a bit of excitement (and some good news!!) happening!!