Wednesday, March 6, 2013


Now that it is March I have given myself permission to indulge in the occasional hot cross bun! Choc chip is my choice and the Bakers Delight ones are so good!


Lorraine said...

I personally like Hot Cross Buns in their "natural" state ie lots of spice and lots of fruit...not so keen on adulterating that combo with chocolate...but that's just me....hope you enjoyed today's bun and yesterday's caramel eggs!

Sheryl said...

It's the best thing about Easter yummy hot cross buns...chocolate or fruit... love them all, delish with a coffee... you enjoy!!

Joolz said...

I like a hot cross bun, toasted then spread with butter and marmalade - go on, try it!
And I like the choc chip ones too - our local baker makes them.

Cheers - Joolz

Carol said...

Nooooooooo!!! Step away from the HC bun. Not until Good Friday! :-). although that does look mighty yummy!