As you have all probably worked out I am 'time poor' at the moment and struggling for some 'me' time to do the things I love - blog, read blogs and craft among the most important! I took this photo a week ago of a beautiful bunch of lavender SH brought in from our garden which put a real smile on my face. It and the warmer weather with the sun actually out was good for the soul and assured me that yes Spring had finally decided to arrive!!! Roll on a week and it has been lovely weather if not in fact a bit too warm for some (I'm not complaining , I found winter cold, wet and grey this year).
The 'horsey' one plays women's cricket on a Friday night so off we went yesterday afternoon, set up the chairs in the shade, the girls tucked into the refreshing watermelon, got the game started and it began to hail. No rain just hail the size of peas which got bigger and bigger until without exaggeration they were the size of large grapes (I'd love to say they were golf ball size but they weren't!!). They intensified and continued for about 15 /20 minutes. The oval we were on was on the bottom of a hill and they were rolling down at us and also hitting us and hurting as they landed. The thunder and lightning began then so the executive decision was made to call the game off. It also began to rain heavily so by the time we got home we needed a change of dry clothes. It was such a bizarre storm !