Well the cake was a success and I have my own Masterchef!!! It wasn't started until 9pm last night when I was safely tucked up in bed and although I was woken a few times with questions he made it with no problems. Out of bed this morning to make the icing and luckily the 'cat' idea was forgotten or discarded and the icing flowers I had bought were used instead. While he was in the shower I wrapped his presents for her, found him a card and he was on his way. Yes he had even taken the day off work, isn't young love gorgeous!! Happy Birthday Maddie, Hope you have had a nice day.
While we are on the Masterchef subject who else watched and enjoyed last night when Billy faced off against Merle Parrish from the CWA? I had seen her on a show only a few weeks ago one lunch time so knew exactly who she was. I would love to taste her Peach Blossom cake but oh I'd hate to have her judge some of my baking, I would definitely need a lot more practice!!! In the supermarket tonight I picked up the recipe card for Billy's curry and the rocky road with fresh raspberries, not something I've thought of putting in before. May need to try it.