Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Days -8 and - 7

Yes I failed with my countdown and got my days wrong! Day -14 was actually last Wednesday, the day SH had a new central line put in. SH was admitted to the ward yesterday, his few days of freedom over as he begins one of the more toxic drugs. His new central line is his biggest problem at the moment! It isn't working!! Okay to put things in but won't bleed at all.....he has had a chest x ray this afternoon and they are working on the problem and a solution! I always take a few days to settle when we come down and this time is no different , I am carrying the stitching around but as yet it has not seen the light of day !!!


Peg - Happy In Quilting said...

Oh Lise....hugs to you all x

Chookyblue...... said...

hugs to you........

Calidore said...

Hope they get the problem sorted sooner than later. Hugs