Sunday, October 28, 2012

The 'last' week...

Well the last week is over and the exam period starts. First exam English next thursday! This morning (yes Sunday) off to school for Mathsfest - a few hours of practice exams, how thankful we are that the school prepares them as much as possible.
Thursday night was the Year 12 service and dinner and the girls looked beautiful. The 'horsey' one sparkled and we took lots and lots of photos!

Friday was 'muck up' day! Our students dressed up and had a bbq breakfast but that was the extent of their high jinks! Classes were as normal. Can you guess who the 'horsey' one went as?? Think Darla from finding Nemo! She is not sure what to think of the fact that this photo attracted 120 likes on facebook in just one hour. Apparently the resemblence is uncanny! (No not a real goldfish but a mandarin in water!!!)

Speech day was on Friday afternoon and full of pomp and ceremony and maybe just a few tears from us Year 12 parents and even the students. The 'horsey' one decided she really didn't want to leave! Lots of hugs and special 'goodbyes' to friends.

Wow , what a week!!!

1 comment:

Annie said...

Here too...can't believe my first is through the "system" ready for off.