Sunday, January 18, 2009


No excuses I'm afraid for not posting more regularly except for I've been on holidays this last week and all routine has gone out the window!! I'm afraid I don't even have piles of sewing to show off. We've had 2 unexpected lots of visitors which required a major house clean and food preparation , mix that with late nights chatting and I was very slow for a day or two afterwards catching up.... All I can promise is that with February comes the return to school and the return to proper routine!! I tend to really try and concentrate on my resolutions from February to November - from experience January and December are write offs!! I spent a very pleasant afternoon with Oz Country Quilting Mum, we spent a lot of the time talking but we did make a wonderful bag each. She seems to whip them up in no time and I have always been a bit scared of them so she very patiently gave me a lesson!! You will have to pop over to her blog to see them as when I went to take a photo I realised I've packed it! I have started the quilt for Skye's 18th birthday, actually have 5 blocks all finished (out of 15!!) but then got the phone call to say visitors were on their way so the sewing machine etc all had to be packed away. I need to go fabric shopping (what a shame ) for the sashing, I had originally thought I could do a scrappy sashing but it isn't going to work.

Big excitement this week as after almost 20 years we have finally agreed on and ordered a new bed!!! It is timber and made locally so will take about 6 weeks. I have just ordered a linen set online and then later in the year will plan a quilt that is worthy of it. Of course I have told SH it would be nice if we could paint the bedroom and get new curtains in preparation!!!!! I won't report his response!! There will be plenty of photos when it arrives.

This last week we welcomed one of the stable kittens into our home. Peter is settling in very well. Jimmy is almost killing him with kindness, doesn't realise his strength when he tries to cuddle. Fred is tolerating him and occasionally giving him a smack to remind him of his lowly place in the pecking order! He is sleeping in the bathroom and doesn't even complain. He is very very cute!

When I was trying to spend a few sneaky minutes blog reading this morning I found out that I was the very lucky winner of a 'puppet theatre' pattern in a giveaway on one of my favorite and most inspiring blogs 'Don't look now'! I am looking forward to adding it to my list of things I want to attempt this year - think it will be a great christmas present for my two little nephews!!

We are off on a 'family' holiday tomorrow until Friday to Melbourne. We will spend a day at the Australian Open Tennis tournament and enjoy some meals out. We are booked into a wonderful greek restaurant for tomorrow night that I have been to but the rest of the family haven't. Might just manage a little retail therapy along with some sightseeing!! The 'horsey' one has a city experience week in Melbourne as part of her school year in February where they have to manage to get themselves around the city and use public transport. We will give her a few tips this week so it is not entirely foreign to her. Although we go to Melbourne a few times a year she is certainly not street smart!!! HS is bringing a friend for the first three days, apparently that may make the family holiday bearable!!!

Well I'll be back in a week with hopefully a lot to tell you!

P.S Apologies for not putting links in this post, takes me ages and I am running out of time to pack!!

P.P.S The 'horsey' one and I are currently both reading the same book and fighting over it!! Twilight - not something I would normally even look at twice but after several bloggers recommending it I picked it up and now neither of us will put it down!! Loving it!


Carol said...

OMG, Peter is absolutely adorable, he has such big eyes. Oooooh I want to cuddle him so bad. Kitten cuddles are just the best. So glad that it's going well with Jimmy.

Enjoy your holiday in Melbourne, hope it's not too hot for the tennis.

And I have already checked out the bags, they are gorgeous.

Anonymous said...

How exciting! You won!!! I saw your name and was so happy for you. Isn't the Big Top Theatre just gorgeous? I am sure it will be a lot of fun to make. Little Peter is so cute! I love cats..they give love unconditionally. Enjoy! Jo xo

Laila L S said...

Congratulations on winning. And Peter is a lovely little one. Please cuddle him from me, hihi.

Hope you all have a great holiday in Melbourne

Dawn's Daily Journal said...

Congrats on winning the puppet theatre!!! I just found her blog last night and her work is amazing, I love all the bright colors she uses.

Ahhhhhhh Twilight and the yumminess that is Edward. After the book you must must must go and see the movie!!!! :)

Calidore said...

Enjoy your holiday. I'm sure the Horsey One will be fine navigating her way around Melb. Kids seem to do better than adults...vbg.

Mischief Maker said...

Peter is so cute. I wish they would stay like that sometimes. Have a great time in Melbourne.

Tanya said...

What a sweety! He will capture the hearts of everyone who sees him! How wonderful for him to be adopted into your home! How wonderful for you! I hope Jimmy and Fred won't bowl him over with too much love! Looking forward to seeing Peter again on your blog!