Wednesday, November 4, 2009


Did anyone else watch the show 6.30pm on channel 10 on Sunday night 'Electric Dreams'????? Gosh it brought back memories. Its a new series where a British family is taken back to 1970 and over a period of 6 weeks are fast-forwarded through the ensuing 3 decades and its respective technological advances ( I took this from the tv guide - no way I could explain it so simply!!!) On Sunday they made their way through the 70's and I have to admit there were many laughs and cringes from SH and I (particularly some of the wallpaper - it looked awfully familiar) as we were transported back to our youth. Next week is the 80's - when I was a teenager - so I can't wait! Don't think the kids could quite believe what they were seeing and HS is keen to get Grandpa to bring up his slides for a slideshow at Christmas!
Was also happy last night as 'Private Practice' made a return, a show I really enjoy.

1 comment:

Carol said...

Oh blow, I remember seeing the advert and completely forgot.

What I'm looking forward to seeing is your American holiday photos. HINT HINT ! LOL