Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Just a sec.....

No time for photos or news tonight, we have the Pony Club AGM. We start with a meal and then the meeting. Cross your fingers that maybe just maybe someone else steps up and offers to take on the Treasurers role..... No chance that SH won't come home as President again. So hard with a small club, always the same ones to take on all the jobs!


carole johnston said...

I know exactly what you are talking about, our communtiy group works like trojand,we have a committee of 5 only we 5 attend the meetings,so one seems to have time anymore for the committee to be able to change we have help our positions now for almost 8 years! the town loves all that we do, we have an op shop, we print the monthy little news letter called the Whisper grown to a whopping 18 pages, we have the Info centre and run monthly dances,have a quilt extravaganza and a big goys toy day each year and we are pooped!!! we do all the work and just a few volunteers that work at the op shop help us with the other events and we could not do without them but we would just love someone new to come along and take our places...we advertise the meetings etc but no go..all of us are getting older, I do so know what you mean...hope you had good luck..

Annie said...

That's a familiar story